Thursday, April 28, 2005

So Sorry I Forgot To Tell You!

But it was 2 am when I got home and after you went and got important and essential food items like bread and Blue Bell Chocolate Ice Cream, it toally went out of my head about the SWAT team or the burned clothes (hmmm.. still gotta give her props for that) or that I got a Pixie Stick or that Rigor snorted his Pixie Stick (yes he did, no I am not kidding). I promise that next time I will give you a full and complete detailed account of my karaoke adventures so you don't have to find out in such an impersonal way by reading this blog - even if it means waking you up from a nice peaceful slumber to regale you with tales of my dipshit activities and thoes of my cool friends.

Please forgive my oversight. ;o)

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