Wednesday, June 15, 2005

The Gathering

I know, I know, I'm a day late - a dollar short too for that matter. Anyway, here are the photos from the first GATHERING. It rocked.

I met everyone at Lady Edana's house where the party was rocking the night before. Everyone was still in Star War's mode as they had gone to see the new movie earlier in the day. Lightsabers were still being crossed. It was funny.

Princess Edana

Help me Obi Wan, or else I'll have to kick all they asses by my self!

Darth John

Come to the dark side!

Dressin' In The Parking Lot

Makes it feel almost like faire!

The Enforcer

Ohhhhhhhh... scary! hehehe... not really.

Cute couple

Me and The Captain

How thoughtful of him to show up in garb to match me! Damn what a thoughtful and hot man.

Showing The Love

You too can feel this kind of love, all you need to do is give a bunch of tarts in a bar drinks! Woohoo! We all love Captain Morgan!


Have ya ever seen a more scurvy lot of rogues in yer life? If only I had been able to get them to sing "Cabin Fever".

Hot Boxers

The answer to the burning question of "And just what ARE you wearing under there?" I'm almost disapointed.


And what better way to end this post than with a hot picture of me!

There are more photos, but I'm going to make you ASK for the link to where they are.

The gathering was a huge success, I can't wait for the next one!

Now I'm off, not feeling well today, my voice is almost gone so I'll stop this and save what's left of my voice so I can yell at my kids. ;o)

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