Monday, November 11, 2002

Ahhhh! It's MONDAY! MONDAY! MONDAY! That means it's time for the.... (drumroll please...)

Monday Mission 2.45 (thanks to PromoGuy) (with my answers.. of course!)

1. Although I was told before hand by my mother, my Grandfather finally told me he has cancer and it was speculated he has about 12 months to live. Has someone you know ever told you they had a terminal illness? What was it like for you when you found out. How did that change your relationship with them?
Yes, my mother had breast cancer. When I found out the first time I was devistated, when it came back after a brief remission period, I was shocked and sad, I knew that since it had spread to her bones she wouldn't recover this time. We always had a very close relationship, it made me more protective of her and a lot paranoid.

2. The concept of having 12 months comes as somewhat of a shock. Often those estimates are wrong and a person lives much longer. But still, it makes me think. If you found out you had 12 months to live, what would you do with that time? How would it change the way you live? Or would it?
Honestly I can't say. It's not something I've really contemplated... nor do I really want to. I'd like to say it really wouldn't change me, but I know it would... I just don't know how.

3. My Grandfather has decided to undergo chemotherapy. He was told it would not cure him, but it could prolong his life, however his quality of life could diminish. Having watched my father go through all that to no avail, I am not so sure I would choose that option. If you were (or are) in a situation where chemotherapy might cure you, or might not, would endure the usual side effects and discomfort?
Hmmm... tough question.... I to watched my mother undergo chemo. The first time her prognosis was not very good, she got a bone marrow transplant that put her cancer in remission for 2 years. When the cancer recured she went through chemo again and it did not help, she suffered. A very dear friend I used to work with lost her husband of 26 years 6 weeks after he was diagnosed with cancer... he did not get chemo and he suffered also. My husband told me of how his mother died after not getting chemo (her lukemia had progressed to far for treatment) and how she suffered as well. I think cancer is a disease that makes one suffer no matter what road you choose. Me personally, I would fight to live, I would know my quality of life would deminish due to having cancer anyway so that would not matter to much for me.

4. How is your health? How are you doing?
I'm good. Thanks for asking. ;o)

5. Speaking of health, I was in a Health Food Store Saturday and learned about something called "Ear Candling." It
involves having a helper insert a cone-shaped candle in your ear, lighting it and having the reverse pressure suck the wax out of your ear. Apparently it is very popular. Do you use, or have you ever tried, any alternative heath remedies or procedures? How did that work out? Anything out there we should try (or avoid)?

I really don't do much of that stuff unless it's been well documented in a reputable source. I take vitamins, use olive oil and do yoga and lift weights.

6. Which reminds me, this week at work they are giving flu shots for $15. I hate getting shots, so getting one by choice, and paying for it, is tough for me. How do you feel about Flu shots. Do they give them where you live? Are you going to get one or take your chances?
hmmm... I used to get a flu shot every year, but still managed to get the flu... which I hate because it involves so much vomiting for me... I think I'll probably take my chances this year.

7. I'd like to see either "Spirited Away" or "Bowling for Columbine" before they vanish from the multiplex at the mall. But I will probably have to go see it alone (which I hate). Do you like to go to see flicks at the movie theater alone? Or would you rather have company? Seen any good (or bad) movies lately?
Well I don't usually go see movies much.. maybe twice a year. If it was something I really wanted to see and no one else wanted to go with me, I'd go alone, I don't mind. Although I'm more likely to go see a movie I don't really care about if I'm with people. Last good movie in a theater - My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Last good movie to watch - Spiderman on DVD - omg.. that was fantastic. Last BAD movie to watch (not even the whole thing) The Avengers... that sucked.

BONUS: Don't you want somebody to love? hehehehe... are you hitting on me? ;o)

Today's comment question: What Would Jesus Drive? He wouldn't, he'd walk, take public transport or get rides from people. I imagine one of the apposles would have a VW bus that would break down a lot.

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