Wednesday, November 13, 2002

We watched the Godfather II last night. Damn that was intense... I had mafia dreams... hehehe... hubby was funny, he was sad when Fredo got whacked, I think he deserved it... hubby said that he felt sorry for Fredo, identified with him since he was the middle child... then he said "And you identify with Michael right?" I started laughing, of course I did.. I think most people do. ;o)

Yesterday I found a blog by accident... well I was just clicking on recently published blogs off the blogger front page, looking for something interesting to read. I found this one by homelessguy. At first I thought it was a joke. Then I realized it wasn't, this guy is homeless, he posts from the library about his experiences. It was sad and ironic... and well written. I was surprised by that, not because he's homeless, but because so many people are not very good at writing and write very badly on their blogs (and anywhere else they write). He's a much better writer than I am. And I enjoyed reading his blog.. infact I felt compeled to read much of the archives. His blog looks much nicer than mine also, much slicker, better graphics. *sigh* (I still suck at this blog stuff) I found myself wondering why this man was homeless... thats part of why I read so much of his blog... and I learned that he has two children... they are about 12 and 9... he talks about how sad he is that he can't be in their lives... I learned that he's been homeless for a very long time, not that he doesn't work... he does when he can find work... I don't know why he's still homeless though.. he's inteligent... I don't know.. I'll probably go back and read more of his archives. I don't know really what I think of all this yet. It makes one think about this though, that's for sure.

Must go get ready for work.

Hope everyone has a great day.

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