Thursday, November 14, 2002

Ahhhh... It's been the best of days... it's been the worst of days... (my personal appologies to Dickens for butchering that). I've had an interesting day. Unexpectedly so at that. *sigh* can't really go into it on here, but it did keep me off balance most of the day, but not necessarily in a bad way.

I finished reading the homeless guy's blog. I read all his archives and his FAQ also. I wanted to be able to make an informed decision. I feel for him, it can't be easy living on the street, but it also seems that he's not really wanting to take responsibility for his situation. He continually states that he has some kind of panic disorder... brought on social settings... this is what he says: "Mine is a world dominated by anxieties, which occur in the midst of social situations. To function as non-homeless, a person must be able to establish and maintain a certain level of community - the anxieties prevent me from doing this. Also, it is known that all mental disfunctions are grouped in "families." That is, a person who suffers anxieties may very well also experience a certain amount of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - see the TV show "Monk") I have OCD as well, but to a lesser degree. Evidently these different ailments have the same root cause, and possibly the same cure - at least as far as medication is concerned. I say all this as speculation, based on what I've read and my own brand of common sense. I am no Doctor. He's stated in another post that he has never been diagnosed with this, but came to this conclusion himself. Um... OK... So... he get's anxious in social situations, enough so that he can't keep a job... yet he can go stay in a shelter with 300+ strangers? In the interview on the FAQ page, I found some of his answers to be evasive. On question about how he got into the homeless situation and what are the causes of his problems as far as not being able to hold down a job... he goes into a long question of what constitues as homeless, but doesn't answer the question at all. I find that irritating.. I like people to be direct and to the point. If I ask a question, I want an answer... I don't like evasiveness... And I don't like people who won't take personal responsibility. This has a lot to do with my upbringing. It was always stressed to me that I was to be responsible for myself and my actions. I find myself not really liking this homeless guy for that.... and for another slightly strange reason. I read his writing and he reminds me of my former step father (FSF). Not a person I like. FSF didn't have much of a drive to succeed... much like homeless guy.. although I don't ever expect FSF to ever be homeless, he's a crafty conman and I'm sure he'll always find a way to keep a roof over his head and a meal on the table. So my opinion is that homeless guy needs to expend some of his energy he puts into his blog into getting off the street, either that or admit he likes being on the street, having no responsiblities and no one to answer to. I pitty him. I feel sorry for his children (who thankfully live with his ex-wife)... I wonder what they say when someone asks what their daddy does? My heart goes out to them.

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