Wednesday, November 13, 2002

L- the apartment is fabulous! I'm jealous! ;o) I totally understand your sentiment regarding the grocery store.. PC or not, I can identify.. I will have to look up that painting when I get home.. what, no hints? The Homeless Guy is the link to that blog I have been reading. I'm still trying to decided if this is real or not. I don't know if I like it or not, but I feel compelled to continue reading it.

A- You will have to let us know if the little one sleeps tonight or not. L might have hit on something as in the babysitter may have been letting her sleep for a long time and in daycare she probably won't do that.

So here's my mafia dream... I dreamed I was at a mafia family birthday party for someone's child, then I go back towards a back bedroom for something and a guy walks up to me and starts talking in a hushed tone, very conspiratoral (sp?) (but then again it was the mafia.. isn't everything kind of that way) then he walks away and I realize that I'm his mistress! Yikes! Liked I'd do something like that with a MAFIA guy! Talk about a precarious position. And every time I'd think that it was ludacris that I'd be doing that, the dream would go back to the party... then I'd end up back in the hall talking to the guy.. oh and everything was back in the 50's and 60's like the Godfather... Too many mobster movies for me...

OH! I found my missing paints on Monday night! We went to the storage place to get the fridge and the lawn equipment out for a friend - we sold them - and there was my bag of paints (about 30 bottles of paint). I have been looking for those for months... hubby was kind of embarassed about it since he's the one that put them IN the storage room! Grrr.... anyway, I was playing with them last night.. didn't do anything.. messed up something.. realized I need to sketch my design before I paint it... otherwise it looks like utter crap... *sigh* I wish I could paint well.

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