Thursday, July 31, 2003


I'm to freaking old to be playing hopscotch, but I have little ones so I have to at least teach them now to play. Supergirl askes me to play with them. OK sure since we were outside playing with side walk chalk I figured what the hell. I grabbed a piece of chalk and started to draw blocks on the sidewalk, then it struck me - I had no idea how many blocks I was supposed to be drawing! So I draw some and count... nope, doesn't seem like enough... I add a couple to the beginning and the end then I number them... hmmm... somehow it doesn't seem right... but the little one is anxious to play so it will have to do. I send her off to find a rock, I did remember that much. Then I remember that you toss the rock in one of the squares and hop. Well I can't really remember what the hell else you do and ya know, at a certain age you just stop hopping - so now at nearly 32 I'm out with my daughter jumping around like a moron almost falling over and thinking "Damn... I don't remember hoping and having so much of me juggling.... hmmm... what was that creaking noise and what body part was that coming from? How the hell did I do this for hours on end when I was a child? My goodness what will people think when they come upon my lifeless body sprawled on a badly drawn hopscotch board?" I only hopped the board about 4 times then I just watched. Later after naps and cleaning and all, I looked up hopscotch and I found this page How to play hopscotch ... Aww great... there are several ways to play and none of which did I happen to be doing correctly. *sigh* Oh well.. now I know, and knowing is half the battle!

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