Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Judy-dobie-do where are you?

Last night hubby and I had a total Scooby moment. We were up late discussing … solutions to world hunger or politics or fashion, well to be totally honest I can’t remember WHAT we were up talking about but I’m sure it was important, it kept us up until after 1AM. Anyway, while we were talking we heard an odd scratching at the door, it kind of sounded like someone trying to unlock our door. The first time we heard it we stopped talking and looked at the door expectantly, knowing that the only two people we know of to posses a key to our front door were the two of us. Nothing happened. We went back to our conversation. Then it happened again, dead silence from us and looks at the door. This time I got up and peeped out the peep hole half excepting to see some drunk outside fumbling with keys (that actually happened to me once when I lived in Dallas). Nope, no one out there. Back to the all important conversation. It happens again. We both just look at each other then start laughing and I say “Well I’m no Daphnee or Fred and I don’t know about you Shaggy, but I’m not opening the door!” We laugh then start talking about how since Daphnee, Fred and Velma aren’t here, Scooby (that would be me) and Shaggy (hubby) are just going to cower in fear and wonder if it’s a ghost, but be damned if we open the door and find either a)a ghost b)Mr. Jenkins dressed up as a ghost or c)another rabid raccoon… dressed up as a ghost, not even for a Scooby snack. We were laughing when it happens again. Utter silence in the room. I’m scanning the room for ANYTHING that might possibly be making that noise. I suggest that it’s a note pad being blown by the overhead fan or maybe a bug outside to which Shaggy, I mean hubby replies that it would have to be one pretty big bug to make that noise. And the noise happens again, this time hubby peers out the window – nothing he can see. I go look out the window, then the door peep hole. I must know where that noise is coming from! So…I have a total Velma moment, I unlock the door… I open the door… guess what it was? A BIG ASS BUG! A cicada to be exact. After 13 years in the ground it had crawled its way out of the ground, shed its larva skin and flew into the trees… then apparently got bored and decided to knock on my door for fun – teenagers, sheesh. He seemed to have missed the one part about running away after you knock on a door, so I caught the little bugger… on a digital picture. I could swear that when I swatted the cicada away from the door step I heard “I would have gotten away with it if not for you meddling kids!”… nah…


And by popular demand... Here's CICADA BUG!

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