Thursday, September 04, 2003

Missed Class Due to Bridge Being Out

Has that ever happened to you? No? hmmm… well it happened earlier this week when I went to take Super Girl to her dance class – her first dance class of the semester. Ya see, we walk from our town house through the park to the community center where the dance classes are held. We have to pass over a bridge that crosses the creek that feeds into the lake, and that bridge is low – very low. So Tuesday I think nothing of the fact that it had rained here most of the weekend and most of Monday. We walk through the park and get as far as the bridge where I see water rushing over it. Hmmm…. Not having the ability to walk on water or jump from one side of the creek to the other I decide we would forget about the dance class and just feed the two rather large ducks that approached us as we walked through the park. These ducks are massive – I would safely guess they weigh 20 or 25 lbs. We fed them LOTS of bread and half a bag of stale microwave popcorn – we fed them so much that I was in fact worried that either or both of the ducks would pop at any given moment. After the duck gorging we headed home. Wednesday was the wedding. Today the dance instructor called and told me that we could come today and Super Girl could make up her class. YAY! It hasn’t rained her since Monday so I figure that bridge won’t be under water today. Off we go, leaving a bit early just incase my calculations of water height is wrong and we have to trek out to find an alternate route to the community center. Lucky for me I was correct, the water had receded and we could pass over the bridge. What I didn’t figure on was that on the other side of the bridge the sidewalk would be covered in mud. Deep, thick, stinking, sucking mud. The kind that you step in and it makes that sickly sucking noise when you pull your foot out – if it doesn’t completely pull you shoe off! I sent Super Girl over the mud first, I figured she was small and she could scamper across the mud relatively unscathed – I was right, she didn’t sink in that much. Myself on the other hand. As soon as I stepped in the mud my foot sunk down. *Sigh* And here I was pulling the stroller with Cabbage Patch in it. What fun. I think it took me 5 minutes to get up the hill with Cabbage Patch. We stopped for a moment so I could scrape the inches of mud off the stroller wheels and off my shoes. Umbrella strollers are NOT made for OFF ROADING!!! The good part, we made it in time for Super Girl’s dance class, the bad part – we had to go home that route. On the way back I managed to avoid the mud for the most part (it was possible going that direction but not the other way). Then we fed two different fat ducks a bag of corn chips – are they bad for ducks? I hope I don’t read about dead ducks at the lake tomorrow…

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