Thursday, September 04, 2003

Tidy Bowl, It Works On Toilets & Toddlers

No no, I haven’t taken to bathing my children in the toilet… although… they probably would enjoy that… just not gonna do that. Last night after our return from the wedding and reception we were counting down the minutes until bed time for the little people. Hubby was on the couch watching a Veggie Tales DVD for the 100th time with Super Girl. Cabbage Patch was wandering around the living room watching the show as she pulled toys out, I was uploading the photos from the wedding and reception. At one point I looked over and realized that hubby was asleep so I look around to see what Cabbage Patch is doing. I see her in the kitchen standing on a stool messing with something on the counter, I ask what she’s doing, as she turns side ways I see that she has blue on her hands and think she has gotten into some paint. “Oh no! Don’t move!” I say as I head to the kitchen to clean her up. Upon reaching the little one I see that she has blue all over her mouth and on her hands and she does NOT have paint at all. What she has is one of those toilet tablets that turn the water blue. EWWWWWWWW!!!!! I’m dumbfounded that she would put that in her mouth – it has a rather pungent smell to it. Her little fingers are stained blue – luckily I could get it off her mouth. At least her breath is fresh now. ;o) (I’m kidding of course)

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