Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Cooooooffffffeeeeeee.... Cooooooofffffeeeee....
(anyone who has seen Shaun Of The Dead should conjure up images from that movie - and if you haven't seen that movie, well you SUCK!)

I woke this morning with my sinus' feeling like they had been packed with cement. Ugh. I took a NON-DROWSY sinus tablet - just one, not the recommended two. As soon as I returned from getting Super Girl on the bus I crashed on the sofa. So much for fucking non-drowsy sinus tablets! Lucky for me Cabbage Patch is still not feeling 100% and she's not tearing around the house getting into things.

Currently I'm sucking down some delicious coffee in hopes of gaining full consiousness.

Obnoxious - Even In Dreams

This morning my alarm woke me from a rather comical dream, wherein I was being obnoxious. All I remember is that a friend was over and he said he was going to go outside to smoke, I said okay and as his hand reached the door handle I heard a loud crack of thunder. He opened the door and it was POURING outside. He stands there dejectedly with the cigarette hanging from his lips as I laugh loudly and say "I guess that's a message for you to quit!" He looks at me with an unamused look and lucky for me the alarm went off as I suspect he might have been about to choke me.

What ARE They Teaching My Kid???

I was just looking at some papers Super Girl brought home, one is a series of papers that say 'I wish I had 100...' and the kids fill in the blank. It appears that my progeny wrote Nukes, as in I wish I had 100 nukes. The picture she drew to go with this page sheds no light toward it being anything other than nukes as it's a person colored red screaming 'Oooooooooho'. My child wants nukes and a hundred of them. I suppose she is planning to take over the world or destroy it. I know her birthday is coming up this weekend, but please, please, please don't buy her a nuke.

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