Monday, March 28, 2005

Computer Virus And Trail Mix
Curently The Bane Of My Existance!!

Got a fucking virus on my computer, more accurately a damned trojan horse. Trying to fix these issues. Going crazy in the process.

The Little People's grandparents sent them Easter Baskets which I distributed to them last night. Knowing my distain for my offspring having copious amounts of sugar, the baskets were filled with boxes of raisins and trail mix filled plastic eggs (each basket did have one nice sized chocolate bunny - so no one was deprived or suffered). By some huge error in thinking, I handed the Tiny Terrorists their baskets while they were sitting on the sofa. As I was somewhat distracted by efforts to clean things off my computer I didn't fully think through the implications of them sitting on the sofa going through their Easter Baskets. I was soon to discover that they were compled to open each and every plastic egg and dump them into their baskets which happend to be about half full of plastic grass (which I'm sure the cats will be eating and vomiting back up on my floor for the next week or so), as there was still things in the basket they felt it necessary to grab the hunk of plastic grass several times and remove it from their baskets, thus depositing trail mix on my sofa. At the point that I discovered this error in my judgement I started yelling for them to get a (insert explative) bowl and clean up the (insert two explatives) trail mix off the (insert explative) sofa. Eventually it was done but not before a copious amount was deposited (forever) between the sofa cushions.

This morning though the EVIL fake plastic grass has been deposited in the garbage and much of the trail mix is now in a bowl, my living room floor is litterd with raisins, nuts and fake grass. No I have not vaccuumed yet today, I'm seriously wondering if it's worth it or if I should go ask the Mansicle across from me if I can borrow his dogs for a bit and just let them eat all the crap on the floor. I have in fact started some laundry, bathed both children and we are all dressed and ready to go. Today is my day to make my monthly pilgramage to the City of Plano to give them some of my hard earned money in exchange for me staying out of jail. Seems like a generous offer from them, I must say. Next month should be my last offering of this sort. I'm also headed off to the clinic to pick up a new pack of pills, not that I really need them since it would be highly unlikely that I'd end up pregnant from BOB, talk about an immaculate conception. I mean if that sort of thing was gonna happen (which I don't even believe it happened the first time) I'm sure HE wouldn't be choosing this Jew for that task.

Anyway, I digress... I need to get back to cleaning up my Virtual STD on my computer - damn all the internet porn!!!!

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