Monday, April 18, 2005

A Life So Glamorous That Robin Leach Calls At Least Once A Week!

This is how my day has been....

Alarm goes off at 6:30 am, get out of bed, K herds the Little People down the stairs to get ready. One look at Super Girl, my thoughts "Holy Shit! Her head is the size of a watermelon!" Damned poison ivy! (yes my darling child has gotten into poison ivy yet AGAIN!) After a brief consultation with K as to whether to keep her home or let her go to school, it was decided that I would give her the allergy medicine to bring down the swelling, put on the anti-ich cream and the stuff to keep it from getting all icky and we'd just send her on to school. Today was the class field trip to the zoo and she's been looking forward to this for weeks. So off she went. I wrote a note to the teacher that Super Girl's rash was from poison ivy, but she was medicated and would be fine. I still got a call from the school nurse asking if she would be okay to go to the zoo, I assured her that Super Girl would be fine. Then I finally get my coffee - sheesh!

Lunch time... mmmmm tuna melt... made lunch for Cabbage Patch, took phone call from someone from Friday party. Cabbage Patch fell asleep on the sofa. When she woke from her nap she said that her stomach hurt. Then she threw up on the couch. *sigh* Luckily it was on a blanket on the couch. Cats and toddlers... can't seem to vomit in a toilet. It was time to get Super Girl from the bus then. I got the following note in her folder:

Dear Super Mom,

Did you give Super Girl some medicine that may have affected her bahavior today? She threw a rock at the bald eagles! She also ran around and wouldn't stay with the parents and the class!

The Teacher

Yay. My kid throwing a rock at the bald eagle. Good one. I'm so proud. *eyes rolling up in head*

Back home, we are watching The Muppets Take Manhattan for the 20th time today when Cabbage Patch stands up and says that her stomach hurts. I ask if she needs to throw up to which she replies 'yes'. I tell her to go into the bathroom and throw up in the toilet. She goes, then comes back in the living room. I ask if she threw up 'no', ask if she still has to throw up 'yes' and then tell her adamantly to GO BACK TO THE BATHROOM! So she stands there and throws up... on the sofa... and the blanket... and the floor... and on ME! SHIT! She finishes her Exorcist impression and I cart another bundle of clothes to the washer. And curse K for being the one with a full time job, I would so rather have been the one to HEAR this story rather than tell it.

The rest of the evening was a blur of making dinner, bathing kids, sending one off to bed early and contemplating why I would get thrown up on twice and still get $10 in the mail for testing crappy shampoo. Karmic balancing of the stranges sort.

I suppose my Saturday night Chinese food fortune sumed it up perfectly though:

You are an adventurer - traveling on the highway of life.

Let's just hope tomorrow's travel doesn't involve vomit or evil children.

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