Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Come On Ride The Train

Last night to get to the vodka tasteing, I rode the train. Yes public transportaion at is best (sarcasm). Now, I am a seasoned veteran of public transportation having been carless and drivers licenseless until I was 23 (no that's not a joke). Hell I even dated a guy I rode the bus with! (that actually sounds much lamer than it was, I met him at college - we both were attending community college down town - he did have a car, but it's much eaiser and cheaper to take the bus. Actually that's still pretty damn lame.)

ANYWAY... Edana was convinced that taking the train would be the eaisiest thing to do for her also. So she reluctantly agreed. Edana had never riden the train before and wasn't so sure it was a good idea. Heidi convinced her it was much eaiser to take the train, and hell I didn't need to be talked into not having to drive and waste my gas - the round trip cost just over the cost of a gallon of gas. Plus I could READ if I wanted to! Edana decided to depart from the same train station I would be departing from.

K drops me off at the station and I walk over to the ticket machine, all the while keeping an eye out for Edana. When I get to the ticket kiosk this drunk comes up to me to 'help' me work the machine. Typical. Bus stations always have a lot of drunk and homeless hanging around looking for a handout. So I just smile and nod while I pay my $2.50 and get my ticket from the machine, then walk away. I find Edana standing reading a book and we get on the train. Then she tells me about how the drunk approached her while she was getting her ticket, before he could even get his speach going she turned to him and said "Dude, don't make me have to shoot you!" needless to say he did NOT continue talking and just walked the fuck away. I start laughing hard thinking of her scaring the crap out of that drunk. Wish I could have seen that!

Later on the train after watching Edana cautiously eye ever person getting on the train, I said "You never rode a public bus have you?" she confirmed my observation and I went on to tell her of some of my more interesting public transportation tales until we reached our stop.

Unfortunately we did not ride the train back as in my inebriated state I could not locate my ticket right off and the Captain insisted on driving us back to the train station to be certain we were okay to drive home. I'm sure the adventure would have been truly blog worthy. Edana and I will have to ride the train again sometime.

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