Monday, September 16, 2002

Topics up for discussion today:
White sneakers
Aliens (alien abductions and crop circle..)

Laundry... seems like thats all I ever do. You never get finished with it. Everyday it piles up more. I guess the only solution would be disposable clothes and large rolls of paper towels in the bathrooms... but then you'd be bitching about having to take out the garbage. I have this image of everyone wearing clothes that look like paper towels and napkins. hehehehe... OK, I know it's stupid.. but funny.

White sneakers.... I bought a new pair of sneakers a few weeks ago. White canvas... nice.. comfee. I bought these instead of the white leather ones.. I didn't like the style of the leather ones that well.. they were much like the ones I already had. Anyway... I also thought these would be eaiser to keep clean.. Just throw them into the washing machine. hmmm... bad thought... they don't seem to want to come clean. Damn... they are still pretty new and they look dirty. grrr..... I should have just bought black sneakers.. but I really like White sneakers... *sigh*

Aliens... my Dh and I were talking about alien abductions, etc the other day... well... not exactly like that... we were talking about something big and important... very intellectual stuff about the cosmos and all. Then for some reason we started talking about kids and teenagers. Hubby said "What if all thoes alien abductions are just that... teenaged boys playing pranks? 'Hey let's go trailer tipping!' type thing." Then we got to thinking about what the alien teen aged girls would do. Crop circles! HAHAHAHAHA! That was good for a few laughs over fajitas!

Well I need to go.. the laundry calls.

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