Monday, September 16, 2002

Well since y'all did the Monday Mission, I figured I'd do them too (that and I keep forgetting what I want to write about.. no it isn't senility setting in, I just keep getting side tracked..)

1. Do you have a favorite piece of poetry or prose written by someone else? Care to share it?
Why yes I do, I'm glad you asked...'She Walks In Beauty' by Lord Byron.. It's not something I can quote or anything but I remember reading it in Senior English then in College... and I dearly loved it... or maybe it was the story behind the poem I loved so much... who knows... that's the one I think of when I think of poetry.. not that I'm really into poetry... actually I don't really like it that much... hmmm... go figure...

2. In High School, did you enjoy creative writing? Do you currently do any other writing in addition to your Blog? Did I enjoy it? hell I lived for it! I knew if it was creative writing I was going to get an A (at least in content, my spelling sucked... worse than it does now). I have several journals I write in now in addition to this blog. I have them in different places and write in them at different times. I'm disorganized in that area, what can I say. I've been mulling over a storybook for the girls.... but I'm not sure what to do... write it first then illustrate it... or do the illustrations then the text... or... do them at the same time... write some... draw some... see what happens... *sigh* I'm suffering from my disorganization..

3. Have you ever noticed that the Blog entries you least expect to get the most comments do, and those you expect to generate a lot of feedback don't? Which Blog entry of yours surprised you by getting a lot of comments? Which one did you think would generate a lot but didn't? Bwhahahahahahahaha! No one reads this thing! Well just 4 people hahahah.. they never comment here, just on their own blog....

4. Sometimes you get a chance to make a lifestyle change that has a huge impact on the course your life takes. That is, a moment where something became very clear to you, and that realization changed your life, such as: the need to leave a relationship, to stop an addiction, to bond with someone, to start a new career, and so on. Have you ever had an "awakening" moment in your life? yes....... at the very least one... I can't imagine NOT having one in your adult life... that's what makes life interesting... challenging... worth living.

5. Then there are other times where you can have a huge impact on someone else's life. You suggest they see a doctor, stop them from taking that last drink, or maybe just say some kind words at the moment. Have you made a lasting positive impact on the life of someone else? Hmmm.... I don't know... I'd like to think I have, but that sounds vain and conceited to say that I definitly have... I just try to live my life the best I can, as God would want from me. I know many people have had that affect on me, maybe someday I will have it on someone else.

6. Are there any charities or organizations which you support? How did you come to be involved with them? Hmmm.... I used to support Green Peace and World Wild Life Federation, but that was a long time ago... I was such a tree hugger then. I don't now, not that I don't want to, I just haven't... I guess I have a bit of guilt at being a former tree hugger and using disposable diapers on my babies. *oh the shame!* The Cancer Federation, because both my mother and my mother in law died from cancer. Also the ASPCA... whole animal lover thing there... not much else... I tend to be somewhat jaded at times as to where the funds are being dispersed...

7. Care to collaborate with me? Help me out and write the rest of this poem:

I drifted though a dream last night,
visions full of colors bright.
My thoughts began to drift to you,
and in an instant we were two.

I touched your hand,
We began to blend,
Filled with a feeling
that should have no end.

hmmm... crap... I'm so bad at this poetry thing... I suck... All that seems to be coming to me are dirty limericks... sorry.. you'll have to finish this one on your own.


BONUS: Hey cutie, what's up with this attitude?
Me attitude? It's called PMS, Putting up with Mens Shit... bye-bye... see you later...

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