Tuesday, September 17, 2002

Well I changed the template yet again... I was getting to damn frustrated trying to make that last one work... although it was extremely cool. Ahh well... it's just a place for my ramblings.

Anyway... odd that I mention Lord Byron yesterday.... Someone pointed out that I (my family that is) have a tie to him. Biography of C Lamb He had a torid affair with the wife of one of my ancestors.Hehehehe.. this makes me laugh quite a lot.

I finally remembered what it was that I was wanting to write about the other day... right before bed I remembered and grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled it down. HAHAHAHA.. I'm such a dork some days.

My hubby got some movies for us on Sunday - he rented The Time Machine and Blade II. The Time Machine - the old movie - is one of my favorite movies, so I was looking forward to this. But I was sorely disapointed... I thought it sucked really. Although I did recognize the man who played Alexander's friend as someone from a Brit Comedy that I watch - DH didn't believe me at first but he looked really hard and started laughing. Anyway... I did not like the changes in the story. I thought the old movie was so great, the new changes really detracted from the movie. And there were plot holes... I hate big gapeing plot holes... And why is it when ever people travel to the future, it's usually a future of perfect, sexy, scantily clad people? by the end of the movie I was quite sick of seeing the perfect girl in the sheer, metalic mesh mid-drif shirt who's hair always conveniently covered her nipples... Sheesh.... But Blade II... I loved it... Wesley Snipes makes a very sexy vampire. Much sexier than Tom Cruise... (WS could kick his ass any day...) yeah it was bloddy, and gory and violent.. but it was a Vampire movie... and it was based on a comic book (not one that I have actually read though). I had heard that it sucked, but hey, it's a vampire movie.... isn't that what they do...suck?... HAHAHAHA! Ok, that was stupid.... anyway.. I really thought it was on par with Blade I, which was not a FABULOUS movie, never going to win any awards but very entertaining, and DAMN WS looks soooo hot in leather!

So... I guess that probably says a lot about me. snicker....

The other thing I was going to elaborate on yesterday... hehehe.. was nutrition... Back in the 80's the experts were saying how bad meat was for us, how bad fat was for us, how low fat plans were the answer...

*damn... interuption* I'll get back to this later...

OK, it's ll pm now, so I guess I can get back to this thought HAHAHAHAHA! As I was saying, all through the 80's they pushed a low fat diet as the best thing, saying how red meat was sooooooo bad for us.... But, the American public contiued to get fatter and fatter... and the incidence of obesety related diseases continued to rise... as the models and actresses continued to get thinner and thinner... what a bizarre correlation... Then sometime in the 90's some Dr.s started saying that maybe a diet high in protien and lower in carbs would be better... but they were not really taken seriously... Then... do a lot of reading on health and nutrition... recently the medical community has started to take a longer look at this notion that the American public eats too many carbs which is contributing to the extra poundage. I totally believe that some people are extra sensitive to carbs. My own experience... Before I got pregnant with my oldest I went to Weight Watchers, I did the program and lost 23 lbs. Then my mom died and I put it back on... I rejoined while I was trying to get pregnant with her and got pregnant after being there for about 3 months... and I had only lost about 10 lbs. It was such a struggle. Then I stopped, they won't let you stay in the program while you are pregnant. I didn't gain much when I was pregnant. Shortly after I had her I was back to my pre-pregnancy poundage. When she was about a year and a half I started going back to WW, and I was keeping to the program very well. I was loosing about .5 lb a week ... most weeks... some weeks, it was nothing.. which was sooo frustrating. Then I kept reading about the low carb, high protein plans, and I picked up a book. I did it for a week, and when I went in for weighing, I had lost 6 lbs! That was more than I had lost the entire time I had been going this time! I was sooo excited. I stuck to it and the next week I had lost 5 more. Well... then I got pregnant again. LOL - this time I was shocked. We tried for 6 months before we got pg the first time - I've never had regular periods and had never ovulated regularly so it was just shooting in the dark - really... truly.. This time - boom... I was pregnant. funny thing was, a few months prior I had read an article about a women who had a weigh problem and had been diagnosed with POCS - which is made worse by being over weight, her Dr. put her on a low carb diet and she got pregnant (she had tried for almost 10 years prior to this). Anyway... My whole point is that, isn't it odd how the advice/learning on nutrition has kind of come full circle?

Just my thoughts...

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