Thursday, December 19, 2002

3XThursday 12/182k2 thanks to Pete this time.

OK, I really should be going to bed, I have to be up in a mere 3 hours... But I'm all pumped from the movie. I figured I'd do the 3X Thursday now.....

1. Have you ever regretted buying something for someone at Christmas? If you did, why?
Yeah... because it was a stupid gift.... a coffee mug. I went through a bizarre phase when I was younger, I would give everyone coffee mugs... then one day I realized how lame that really was.

2. If you could re-do anything in your life and you can only pick one thing...what would it be?
hmmmm.... that's tought... I think I would have gone to have lunch with my mom a few days a week when I worked close to her... She only lived 4 months after I started that job... I wish I would have made a little more time for her.

3. What is the one thing in relationships of the opposite sex that is most important?
Honest Communication

Bonus Question for Comment Box: If you had kids and maybe you do...would you lie to them about the existence of I mean SANTA? Why?
Shoot.. I always said I would not do the Santa thing, I really am opposed to how Santa is used to bribe kids to be good... and I'm disgusted by the crass commercialism of Christmas these days, Santa just seems to be the big Christmas/Commericalism Icon now... but now I have a child who is almost 4 and I've caught myself talking about Santa... and she does have pictures with Santa as well.... I fell into the trap... that it is cute and won't do any harm. What can I say, I'm a sucker.

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