Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Continuing Saga Of Anthrax...

Uggh... I am still battling this damn Anthrax (strep). I just finished cleaning the livingroom - my house was really starting to look like a pig sty. I love my husband but as I've mentioned before, he CAN NOT clean. I still have a lot to do, but it looks a lot better now. The carpet had not been vacuumed since Saturday - ICK! The little people's toys were starting to take over the living room, so I rearranged the toys in the box and shelves, and now they are out of the way. Damn, my kids have way too many toys.


When I get sick, I get the most bizarre dreams. I can't remember everything, because I also tend to wake a lot when I'm sick. What I remember is that most of the dreams had an odd theme of gangsters in it. I have NO idea why, I did not watch anything about gangsters last night. Just the usual Forensic Files, New Detectives and Mug Shots... none of which was about gangsters. Weird...

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