Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Library Day

So today after the demons, I mean the little people woke from their naps, we headed off to the library. I had visions of my two little girls with books, sitting on the carpet with me reading to them. Happy smiles for everyone. That's not even close to what happened. We got to the library and headed off to the childrens section (which I must say the local library has a very nice and well stocked children's section), as soon as we get through the doorway of the children's section all hell broke loose, the kids pull away from my hands and head down between the shelves of books - squealing like a couple of little pigs as they chased each other. I keep saying 'shhhhhh!' 'Stop running!' 'come back here!' as I glaring at them and trying to catch them to make them stop, this only adds to the mayhem as they think I am now part of the game and they head separate directions through the books - screaming and laughing the whole time. When I finally caught up with them, there were several threats to each child and Cabbage Patch finally had to be held to keep her from running through the books like a maniac. I think we ended up spending 30 minutes total at the library (which was about 29 minutes to long) - both hubby and I got a couple of books and I found some Curious George books for the girls to check out, I just grabbed them off the shelf, I knew we needed to get the hell out of there before we got thrown out! So much for a nice relaxing time at the library. Can't wait to do it again....

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