Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Here I am, up from my sick bed for a few moments. Uggh I feel icky. In addition to the Anthrax (strep) I have pulled a muscle in my back - I know exactly when I did it, and it hurts like hell. Last night when hubby got home from his trip he gave me something for it, but it made me ill about an hour later, so I spent the next hour and a half throwing up - I think the medication just caused my stomach to produce an excess amount of bile thus causing me pain and vomiting. Anyway - I spent most of the night waking being misreble and trying to find the right concotion to dull the pain and not cause sickness. I finally did - some pain pills from when he hurt his back. They worked.

A & L - Yikes, thoes are disturbing dreams! Dreams are interesting things (arm chair psychiatrist coming out) - all aspects in the dream are aspects of the dreamer. Plainly - everything in the dream is you. L- I think you need to look into the dreams and find out what is going on. Is there a common theme? Is there a common feeling? What do these dreams remind you of? And most importantly - what is stressing you out so much? Look for ways to de-stress yourself. sometimes just acknowledging what is causing you the stress can help (after all I am the queen of the anxiety dreams). And get some Tylenol PM or something - lack of sleep is probably exagerating the problem.

A - I'm not even going to adress the dream - pregnancy makes dreaming very bizarre. I know you are extremely stressed. And I know that moving everything back to your parents is extremely stressful - and of course having another baby is too. You also need to de-stress and get sleep. Tylenol PM is safe for you - I never would have survived my last pregnancy with out it. Stop worrying about the baby, she will be fine (yes I think it's a girl) even if you never take another prenatal vitamin and eat hamburgers and pizza the rest of the gestatinal period - I did with Super Girl and she's was fine. ;o) Don't stress over Monkey and Bear being jealous of the baby, theres no point in that now - they either will or they won't be and there is nothing you can do to change that now. *sigh* pregnancy makes you so paranoid about things, you over stress so eaisly. Don't worry about things you can't change... everything works out in the end. ;o)

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