Monday, April 21, 2003

It's The Plumber! I've Come To Fix The Sink!

Friday night while hubby was out, Super Girl was hard to get to bed, at one point she snuck out of her room and was playing in the bathroom upstairs. She was putting cat litter in the sink. Said action caused the sink to clog up. That scoopable cat litter is great for the litter box, but not so great in the sink pipes. Hubby had attempted to clear the pipe with the plunger, and with some Draino. No luck. He suggested we go to Wal-Mart and get a snake thing to clear the drain. I told him to try using a wire coat hanger unbent. So he tried but didn't have too much luck, I finished writing a letter and headed up the stairs to see how it was going. I saw the error in his method right away. I suggested making a hook at the end of the wire. Then I shoved it down the drain. I pulled it out and had quite a bit of muck. So I continued doing this for about 10 minutes until I had the drain cleared. Hubby had helped by removing the stopper thing, so I give him credit for fixing the sink also. It works and apparently I have the qualifications to start my apprecticeship with a plumber! I just need to wear pants that show my butt crack and I'm all set! (Hubby did the crack thing this morning... he showed enough crack for both of us!)

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