Tuesday, April 08, 2003

L - You are right about people sabatoging themselves. I worked with a man who had a bad bad habit of talking very loudly. You could hear him all the way down the hall, when I was on the phone people could hear his phone conversations in the cube next to mine. As if that wasn't bad enough, he had a rather filthy mouth. He would swear all the time and tell dirty jokes. Needless to say he had a number of complaints and even a few sexual harrassment complaints to HR from people who were 4 or 5 cubes down from him, but could still hear his crude language. Eventually your Neil Diamond-loving, male chauvinist pig will piss off the wrong person or enough people and will get the boot. When will your office be ready?

A - I am excited that you are going to have the BIG sonogram soon! I can't wait to hear if your having a boy or GIRL. Where are you going to have the baby? I never had the AFP test with my pregnancies. I didn't like the fact that it's not all that accurate. Regarless of the results I wouldn't have ever aborted my babies, so I felt it was a waste of time for me.

Shopping for summer clothes for kids... *sigh* I dread that, I need to do it for Super Girl - I have enough - more than enough - summer clothes for Cabbage Patch, things that Super Girl wore. I really need to sit down and sew some more summer clothes for the girls. I have the patterns, I have the fabric, I just need to do it.

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