Tuesday, July 13, 2004

My New Addiction

I hate to admit it. I've developed a liking... No, no, LOVE - strong LOVE for coffee. Not just any coffee - definitely not the generic crap that's been sitting in a coffee pot half the day. Fancy-smancy coffee. Stuff that's flavored and creamed and sweet. Stuff with fancy names.

It started innocently enough. I got a little tin of the International Foods flavored coffees - actually it was for D but she forgot to take it with her and one day in a moment of desperation to perk myself up I opened it. I liked it. That was a long time ago. I finished that tin off and generally didn't consider it anymore as it was full of sugar and bad stuff I was trying to avoid. Then one day it happened, in a discussion with XXX regarding coffee (which he does like) I mentioned my secret love of the international Foods flavored coffees which I avoided due to the extra calories, etc. He mentioned that they made some that were sugar free. What? Sugar free? As in 'ok for me to drink sugar free'? The next trip to the grocery store I sought out the red and white tin with fancy writing on it. Sure enough there were a few varieties sans sugar. With much trepidation I selected the French Vanilla. The next morning I nuked some water and stirred in the powder. I sipped with expectations of nasty coffee taste mingled with funky artificial sweetener taste and was delightfully surprised that it tasted delightful. So there it started, most mornings began with a cup of sugar free flavored coffee. I tried the other varieties of International Foods coffees that were sugar free (only three damn it!).

Next thing you know I'm having a cup after lunch in addition to the one before breakfast. Now more recently I've added on at afternoon snack time. Ahhhh coffee. I just bought a big container of some flavored coffee yesterday - I broke from my usual brand in favor of a bigger container that was cheaper. More coffee! I'm glad I did, it tastes about the same and it cost a lot less.

I now day dream of Starbucks fancy coffees. This disturbs me. I used to laugh at people who had Starbucks addictions. Sneer at those who HAD to have their frothy sweet cup of overpriced coffee every morning. Now... I want one. Just one. I want to try it, that's all. I would never become a regular - I'm far to cheap to buy it regularly. I just want ONE!

I now desire a French Press so I can make my own coffee, ad my own Splenda and low fat cream. I want to choose beans and grind them myself. mmmmm...

It's not really a big deal though. I know I can stop anytime I want. (This coffee thing is probably a good thing really as I have quite an impressive collection of little used coffee mugs in my cabinets. Now they are getting some use!)

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