Monday, July 25, 2005

Professional Discourteousness

Why is it that some people feel that they can be rude to those they feel have menial jobs? This is something I run into occasionally. Case in point, yesterday I walked into a room to do photos of the couple's newest bundle of joy. In the room were visitors, two couples, one with their two rambunctious boys and one with out children (more on the moronic visitors later). As I set up I could hear one of the women in the room talking to the mother about how these baby photos are just so awful and the mother agreed and said something about how you still just have to get them just because. Now firstly, I absolutely hate when people say that. I have been a baby photographer for 4 years and I take care to take good photos (even of the ugly babies). Secondly, how can you be sure something is 'BAD' until you actually see it? When I actually started taking the photos the other idiot woman.... I mean visitor had to stand at the end of my cart and make annoying noises at the baby thereby distracting the baby and making it harder for me to get a good photo - but I did get a good photo. Also she had BAD breath and since she was standing so close, I got assaulted by her halitosis. ICK. Fuck she needed a Tic-Tac and to back the fuck away. When I got finished with the photos and showed them to EVERYONE, I (mentally) punched the fuck out of Mrs. Bad Breath as she GASPED and said "Oh! Those are really good!" I looked right at her, giving her the politest "Go Fuck Your Self!" look and said "Of course they are, I'm a professional photographer." She slunk away and hid in the corner as I finished the transaction with the parents (who for some jacked up reason were also in a state of shock at how the photos were so GOOD).

The moronic visitors did something that made me want to douse them all in gasoline and set them on fire. They were basically using this baby as a prop for their photos! Mrs. Moron was holding the baby for Mr. Moron to take a photo, then she had her kids come sit with her while she held the baby, then Mrs. Halitosis and Mr. This-Is-A-Good-Place-For-A-Stick-Up, then all fo them, then the parents, etc., etc., etc. I hated them all and I didn't even know them. I felt the urge to give the Moron Children a number for some kind of support group because I'm sure they will need it at some point, but I refrained as the sale wasn't THAT good. Then I left while mutter ancient voodoo curses in my head.

Another dad chapped my ass enough to make me want to leave and say fuck it to the sale. Lucky for him, he realized it and got nice really quick. He was bitching about all the information I was getting from him (we mail the photos, so it's necessary to get mailing address and name, duh) and complaining about how many companies put you on mailing lists, blah, blah, blah, as he complained about the info I was asking for. I cut him off with a curt "Well this is my job ya know." Before I could add "If you don't want to give me the information, you don't have to get the photos done. Have a nice day.", he looked shocked and embarrassed then patted me on the shoulder and blurted out some kind of apology and babbled on about how sad that society has come to this where we have to be so paranoid about the information we give out. Whatever dude, you signed at least 20 different consent forms at the hospital giving permission for your information to be given out, I'm the LEAST of your worries... And yes he did sign a consent and set up an appointment for me to be in the room.

Okay enough bitching about work, it was a really good weekend and there is more to tell. A tragic and sad story about someone I ran into this weekend and my trip to the club - that ROCKED!!!

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