Monday, November 04, 2002

Judy's Answers to the Monday Mission 2.44

1. Have you ever had to appear in court? What was the reason? How did it turn out?

Nope, never

2. Ever been accused of something you never did? Were you able to convince anyone?
hehehehe... yeah when I was little, my sister set something on fire and told mom I did it. Nope I could not convince mom I didn't do it. :oP

3. When it comes to crime and punishment, do you agree with the saying "An eye for an eye?"
I do

4. Are you a judgemental person? Do you ever make up your mind about a person before you know them? When was the last time that happened? Or if not, how do you keep from being judgemental?
Everyone is judgemental it's just human nature, and we have all prejudged people based on things we learn about them.. it's human nature. We don't always admit to it, but everyone does it. I work hard to keep an open mind about people and to not listen to other people's opinions until I've had a chance to make up my own mind. I have to do that because I can be eaisly swayed by others and I think everyone deserves a chance.

5. When I was in 6th grade I lit a match in class accidentally and was given the choice of having my folks called or getting 10 "swats." I took swats and damn, that wooden paddle with the holes drilled in it hurt like hell (not to mention the horible whistling sound it made before impact). I don't think they allow "swats" anymore. Ever get "swats" at school? How do you feel about children being spanked in school. Is it best that they don't do that anymore? How about parents spanking kids? Good or bad?
Never got swats. don't think they should do that anymore, its the wrong kind of punishment for a school to be dealing out.. I don't want anyone spanking my kids. As far as parents spanking kid.. well that's a parents choice.. I'm not going to get into this.. could lead to a novel on here..

6. What is your favorite "Chick Flick?" Hmmm.. I'm not really a 'chick flick' person.. but I did like 'The Truth About Cats And Dogs' that was hilarious.

7. Describe the last situation you were in that can best be summed up by the phrase "seemed like a good idea at the time?" sheesh... last time or one of the funniest times... I'll go with funniest.
Once when I was engaged, my fiance and I went over to my sisters apartment to watch movies and have dinner, one of our friends came over also. So D and I go to make dinner, something Italian with garlic bread. She says that we will put the garlic bread in the broiler and we do. A few minutes later we open the broiler and the bread is completly ON FIRE! We pull it out and chuck it in the sink. The guys only saw flames from where they were sitting in the livingroom, they were like "What the hell?" but D & I were laughing so hard by then. there's more to this story.. and it's damn funny. But I'll stop there... Oh yeah the guys asked us why we put the bread so close to the broiler, our response "It seemed like a good idea at the time..."

Today's Comment Question: What's your favorite saying (currently)? Yeah Baby!

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