Tuesday, November 05, 2002

Wow.. I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving growing up was never really a big deal. Sometimes we would go to a relatives house and suffer through a 'family dinner' or sometimes mom would make a big ole' dry turkey so we'd stay home and suffer through that (mom was never a great cook). When I got into my teens I would do the cooking, I loved making all of that stuff... I don't really like eating it... but I love to make it. I remember I would beg my mom to make chicken for Thanksgiving or Chinese food or anything other than the traditional fare. One year I made chickens... but I had to make the rest of the crap to go with it. I didn't really mind. I would stay up late into the night and make pies and homemade bread. Every so often we would have friends over who had no family close by, so it wasn't so bad when I was a teenager. When I got married... well my husband's family had no real traditions for Thanksgiving so we went to my mom's place for those two years (yes and suffered through the dry turkey...). We went to my sister's inlaws for a few years, that was fun.. her mother in law can cook! This year we'll be having Thanksgiving with my inlaws. Over at brother-in-law's house. This should be interesting. I'm hopeing that I can talk them into letting me do must of the cooking... Sister-in-law doesn't cook much. LOL. And I love to cook. I'd like to talk them into having something OTHER than turkey and dressing, but I know that's not going to happen... So.. I'm kind of excited and nervous about Thanksgiving.. I haven't done a holiday with my inlaws in about 5 years. Not that I don't think I can do it, because I know I can, I just am hopeing that my sister-in-law lets me do the cooking hahahahahahaha! A - want me to come over and cook for your family? ;o)

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