Thursday, November 07, 2002

Thanks to Jake for the 3XThurday 11/7/2k2 The Comics Page

1. What is your favorite comic strip and why?
As far as comic strips, I'd have to say Bizarro.. it just makes me laugh.. so much. I love comics though.. I read them all day.

2. If you could add yourself to a comic strip as a character in a what would it be and what would you do?
hmmm... probably in Dilbert... I'd be something like Catbert... a little evil and sadistic...

3. If you could stop one comic strip from being published ever again what would it be and why?
Zippy pinhead - that is the Stupidest comic ever published or Garfield... let that poor cat die already

Bonus For Comments: Do you like online comics if so what comics? I like Knights of The Dinner Table

Well gotta go to work.. Don't miss me to much today ;o)

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