Tuesday, December 10, 2002

Christmas Shopping.....

Ya know.. I really don't like Christmas shopping.. it's not that I dislike Christmas or even buying pressents for people.. I do love that, I just hate all the crowds and the awful commercialism. I used to try to get my shopping done well before Thanksgiving, and I have many years... but not the recent years. I end up thinking about Christmas shopping right after Thanksgiving, when everyone else starts theirs also. *sigh* I hate that. I did do some yesterday, just for my kids.

I still haven't come up with anything to put on a Christmas list... I know my husband is going to wait until the last minute... and he SAYS that he already has an idea of what he is getting me. This brings fear to me. He is only good at picking gifts for me about 50% of the time. Now I know, that sounds bad and sounds like I'm ungrateful, which I'm not, I still appreciate that he thought of me enough to get me a present. One year he got me this awful little statuette of a gnome on his treasure - horrible and ugly. Last year a Far Side calendar - but I had told him NOT to get me anything... I do love the calender though. One year he got me a beautiful leather coat... after 10 years together you'd think I'd be secure in beliveing that he could pick a present for me that I would like.... but I'm not.... actually it would not bother me if he didn't get me a present... maybe a small box of Godiva chocolates. I really don't need anything... and extravagant presents kind of make me self concious... I really would rather things be bought for my kids. It's not that I'm such a selfless person... that's not true at all.. it's that I'm CHEAP... very, very cheap... and when he buys me a present, I always worry that he spent way to much... I'm such a dork.

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