Monday, December 09, 2002

Who Wants To Date A Monster?....

This is specifically for D, but I think everyone else will get a snicker or two out of this... Butch Patrick's Date Profile! Apparently there's some show on E!, Star Dates, that sets this up... A date with a 'STAR' or in Butch Patrick's case, a date with a 'HAS-BEEN'. hahahaha! Now let me explain why this is soooooooooooo funny for D and myself. We know Mr. Patrick. He used to frequent the conventions we frequented... He's such a looser... and last time I saw him, he had a serious drug issue.... and he's a complete asshole. It's sad, he's still hanging on to the one successful acting job he's ever had... Eddie Munster way back in the 60's. He hasn't done anything with his life and that's pathetic. I've met Danny Mummy from Lost in Space also, but he has done things with his life, he's very intelegent (somewhat boreing) and supports himself (last time I heard about Mr. Patrick he was residing on a friends couch...). Mr. Patrick is funny and sad all at the same time... D - feel free to leave a comment below.

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