Sunday, December 01, 2002

Hannibal... the sequel that is frightening to think about... (the fact that it was ever made!!!)

I sat on my couch in absolute fear through most of this movie... for two reasons... the first was fear that the plot would NEVER get going and the second was the fear that this movie would NEVER END...This movie sucked. There is no nice way to put it. Why a sequel was ever made is beyond me. If Anthony Hopkins can get a job after this dog of a movie, it will truly be a miracle (I mean a job that isn't as spokes person for seniors insurance, adult diapers or denture cream... those don't count... after all, when was the last time you saw June Allison in a movie?). I could not belive how stupid and pointless this movie was... and how fucking unbelievable it was either. Though Julianne Moore is a good acctress, I didn't think she was a convincing Agent Starling, Anthony Hopkins was good as Hannibal (of course), but the character seemed pointless and searching for purpose through out most of the movie. Ray Lolitta should kick the shit out of his agent for talking him into doing this movie. And the 'other' bad guy... What the Fuck? That made no sense. Actually the whole movie didn't make sense and seemed to flounder around for most of the time trying to make some sort of connection from one event to the next. The entire tension and drama from the first movie was completly lost in this sequel. The Hannibal character was laughable by the end of the movie. Not the nightmarishly frightening character from the first movie. That was disapointing. Silence of The Lambs is one of my favorite movies. I guess I should have been clued in that it would suck horribly since Jodi Foster wouldn't do it (sequels that replace a main character usually suck pretty bad...). Now I'm angry... angry that I wasted 2 hours of my life watching that shit! :oP

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