Tuesday, December 03, 2002


We took a short trip to the library tonight, my books were due tomorrow as well as the DVDs I borrowed, which can not be returned in an outside book drop so we went into the library to return the books... and check out some more... well me check out more... I finally got Desperation! YAY! I had to ask the librarian where it was since I didn't see it on the shelf but it was listed as being checked in. She said it was a Large Type book so it was in a special section... ahhhhh... no wonder I couldn't find it. But I have it now.. in LARGE TYPE at that. LOL.

I also checked out a few more DVDs and a handful of children's books. I have decided I will paint the little mermaid on the top of the stool. That has always been my very favorite story. I got the books to give myself some perspective on what to put in the picture.... I used to do a lot of sea scapes and mermaids so I'm not really worried about that, I just want it to look original and fresh... and kind of romantic in a fairytale way.

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