Tuesday, January 07, 2003

Again with the whacked out dreams....

I had a dream last night that was so bizarre... very Lovecraft-ish. I think it's because I watched a freaky Twilight Zone right before bed. My dream... I was with some people, one was a man I had the feeling I was very close with, like my boyfriend or husband... anyway, we were in a creepy old house (don't all Lovecraft storys involve a creepy old house?) and we were walking through the halls like some real life party from a Call of Cthulu game (which is one of my ABSOLUTE favorite rpg's) and we find a secret door in a wall.. It leads to a kind of room... sort of a cave really, and there are these rocks scattered around, kind of big rocks... they were glowing green. I go into the room with the man and we tell everyone else to stay out... keep the kids out.. could be bad... blah, blah, blah. So I leave for some reason and come back, and my friend is acting all crazy... from the glowing green rocks.... then I get the feeling that something BAD is going to happen.... and thats all I remember... ;o) Wonder what it means... Anyone want to take a crack at interpreting this for me?

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