Monday, January 06, 2003

Saturday... Busy day...

So Saturday is one of my busy work days... it was extra busy this weekend, hubby had to work also. So I drive him to work, then back track to my first two hospitals, I head off to the third hospital and am surprised as there is a photographer there already. Hmmmm... how odd. So the head nurse calls the photographer to the nursery so we can get it straightened out... She also calls my manager, but I know that is a waste of time as Charlotte is extremely hard to get ahold of. The other photographer is Lucy, Charlotte hired her to fill in when I was in Arkansas for the funeral. Cool. I think Lucy just assumed she was to come back to the hospital on Saturday and Sunday. I said that she should finish out the weekend there and offered to answer any questions she might have. So I leave there after an hour, head home, call my manager and leave a message for her. Make plans to not go to that hospital on Sunday. We have a game Saturday night - it was fun except for the new player who is a power gamer and a bit of an ass.

Sunday.... I get up later than usual, figuring I only have ONE hospital to go to... then can head back home and get ready to head off to the psychic fair with my hubby and sister. Well I'm just about to head to the shower and I get a call from my manager. Charlotte explains that she's going to move me to a busier hospital for the weekends and would appreciate if I went to help Lucy for a bit today because she's getting a lot of declines... Charlotte wants to know why. OK, no biggie. I go to help Lucy and she's so appreciative, says that Elaine didn't really take much time to train her (Elaine is a bitch), and that she had told Charlotte that I was so nice and helpful and wondered if I could come back Sunday. hehehehe... Yeah, I am better than Elaine... And I take better pictures also. So that took about an hour and a half. Then I headed home....

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