Thursday, January 09, 2003

What a Day!

Whew.... I'm tired. I spent the day with D. It was awsome. We went to the Oriental markets. I got a set of absolutly beautiful rice bowls - I love dishes... I don't know why I have such an affection for beautiful and unusual dishes, but I do. I knew a woman who had the coolest dishes. She had a bunch of different unusual place settings instead of an actual set of dishes. I loved it. Anyway... I also got my oldest a Japanese tea set for her birthday next month. It's just adorable. It has hearts on the tea pot and cups... and some writing... but I don't know what it says.... hmmm... will have to take a picture and see if Jake can translate it for me. ;o)

We ate at a Vietnamese place, and it was really really great. Here is me eating (thanks for taking that pic D!!!)

Yikes! I look huge in that picture. *sigh* Need to start working out again.

I'm being moved to a new hospital tomorrow. I go train at the new place tomorrow and will work it this weekend. I'll be working it on the weekends normally, and some Fridays. I'm excited. I do love my job.

Well, I finally bit the bullet and called my orthodontist office back today. They left a message yesterday. I haven't been in since April of last year. Sheesh... I suck. So they will schedule an appointment and get back to me... I'm embarassed.... I feel like such a slacker.

Damn... I'm tired... I need to go to bed. D - I know I said I would list that stuff, but I'm exhausted... so I'm off to bed. I'll do it tomorrow... hey work on a template for me... something simple, but catchy. Thanks!

Speaking of bed.... A and L, you might be right about the dreams being anxiety related.... I woke last night from a strange dream I don't really remember and when I woke I had the thought that maybe you are right. I know strange thing to think of in the middle of the night.

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