Thursday, March 13, 2003

3XThursday 3/13/2k3 : Shock Shock Therapy - Judy's Answers Thanks to Jake for the questions

1. So what do you do to cope with stress?
I try to do something that takes my mind off of what ever is stressing me. Reading, drawing, painting, crocheting, cooking, take a walk, exercise, just something that I enjoy and will distract me.

2. Have you ever just got close to snapping or suffered bad effects from stress?
Yes, the last 2 years have been extremely stressful. I have come close to snapping a couple of times. The 7 months prior to February were the worst, I had lots of bad effects from stress - insomnia, anxiety attacks, hair thinning, depression... Thank God for anti-anxiety medication.

3. So what are the great pressures in your life? I am not asking for a Freudian psychoanalysis so just go over the basics.
Finances, parenthood, relationships, family

Bonus for Comments: So do you think all this gizmos and Internet technologies are making our lives easier or harder? Why?
I think they make our lives eaiser. Having so much technology at our fingertips is great. Being able to shop from home (and not with a cataloge), comparison shop, look up information, converse with others... while in my own living room waiting for the microwave to finish warming my cup of tea from Timbuktu delivered the day before via over night delivery from some obscure company with a great web site, and hopeing I don't spill any on my nice silk pajamas that were a lovely present ordered from my favorite shop by my thoughtful husband while he was at work...there is no compairison. I love technology. Life is great.

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