Tuesday, March 11, 2003

Gourmet Meals With The Little People

This evening we took the little people to the ever classy Dairy Queen for dinner (I needed to pick up my crazy pills and didn't feel like cooking - DQ is right near Eckerd). So we get to DQ and apparently everyone else in the neighborhood has had the same thought - 'DQ for dinner!'. I take a seat with the little people and hubby orders for us. First they want to play with the salt shaker, then the napkin holder, then they want to climb on the table (all of the above was nixed by mommy right away.), when hubby get's back to the table I tell him to go get ketchup with Super girl - I figured it would keep her busy for a few minutes so I could focus on keeping Cabbage Patch Baby off the table. they return with 4 little cups of ketchup and take a seat to wait for out number. All the while Super Girl has started saying "I'm hungry. I'm thirsty. I want my food." over and over and over. Cabbage patch is wanting to pour salt on the table again. Super girl and Cabbage Patch see the ketchup and of course want it, hubby says no, I say "let them have it - it's a vegetable after all." Hubby gets a smirk on his face then starts laughing. Kids eat ketchup like it's fine caviar and all is peaceful for a few minutes.

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