Tuesday, March 11, 2003

Mashed Taters

L and A - with much shame I must admit I make my mashed potatoes from instant. I absolutly hate pealing potatoes. I have in the past made mashed potatoes with the peals on, but I don't think my hubby likes that all to much. And quite frankly I do like the taste of instant potatoes. It's about the only thing I make instant. Well mashed potatoes and instant brown gravy. I absolutly love that, it's complete heaven for me. Although, I don't eat mashed potatoes, or potatoes of any kind all that much - let me explain... my former step father insisted that we have potatoes with most every meal. He would not eat rice and would only allow pasta served once a week (in the form of spegetti and meat sauce or lasanga). So it was potatoes, mostly mashed potatoes. My sister and I were the slaves in the household so we were relegated to pealing potatoes to please his magesty's demands for mashed potatoes and gravy. *ick* So there in lies my dislike for pealing potatoes. I know it's really not that much work, but I hate to do it. I will do almost anything to get out of pealing potatoes. It's crazy I know. I don't mind taking all the extra steps to make a cake or loaf of bread from scratch or take hours to prepare an intricate and elaborate meal. But you can damn near guarantee that it will not include mashed potatoes and gravy from scratch. Viva La Instant Mashed Potatoes!

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