Thursday, March 13, 2003

West Nile Nearly Beaten

It seems that I have almost got this blasted West Nile Virus (cold) beaten. Copious amounts of Sudefed and Nyquill have done quit a bit to relieve my suffering and aid me in difficult tasks (such as breathing!). Today I'm feeling much better, that 12 hour Sudefed works wonders (and gives me a strange buzz). Hubby seems to have succumb to the powerful effects of the West Nile Virus (cold) and now is resting semi-comfortably in his sick bed... I say semi-comfortably because it's difficult to get much good rest with two children bothering you. Hubby is about to the severe whining stage, which makes me tempted to feign being much sicker than I truly am, just so I can avoid his whining. But... that would be cruel as he has been quite a dear and taken care of me quite nicely in my weakend state. *sigh* I'll take care of him. It's not that I hate doing it, it's just that he does whine like a wee baby when he's sick, making me feel a bit homicidal towards him. (*note to self... remember to take your anti-crazy pills).

Nyquil Dreams

The best thing about having a cold is taking Nyquil. I do love that stuff, it lulls me into a nice cozy state of sleep. the odd thing is that I have very bizarre, lucid dreams! Last night was a really whacky one... I won't get into the details for fear that someone might go all Freud on me and come up with something horrible in an analysis. I'm generally a light sleeper and I dream all the time, so I was thinking that with the Nyquil I'd sleep deeper and not wake much at night, nope... I still woke quite a few times. And it such a strange way, I'd wake up and be totally awake for a few moments - (I'd get more Nyquil if it was time and I was all stuffed up) then I'd be sleepy and go right back to sleep a few minutes later. And have more dreams, often continuing where the one I had awoken from left off. Hmmmm... I wonder if taking Nyquil when not sick is harmfull? hehehe... Just kidding.

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