Monday, March 31, 2003

I've Beaten Anthrax!!!

Whew! I am finally past the crappy part of this. My throat doesn't hurt anymore, the spots are gone... I'm still on antibiotics. The antibiotics leave me a little lightheaded at times (like now!!!) so I've made the (un)educated decision to not take my crazy pills. My reasoning is that since they cause me to be sleepy at times and they are drugs that affect my mental stability (hehe) I figured the antibiotics might affect them strangely. Not sure that's a good idea or not, but that's what I have been doing. I was mostly afraid I would fall asleep while driving. Ok, enough about my medications.... Let me catch you up on what has been happening here... I'll just write it all out since Friday or so, maybe Thursday or Wednesday... and whatever I can't remember, I'll just make it up. So here goes.


So on Friday I was feeling like I had been run over by a semi - I had an appointment for someone to come over at 10 am that day and an appointment to have family portraits made at 4 pm. Yeah, great planning on my part. I wanted to cancel the 10 am person, because frankly I didn't want them over at all, but I had no freaking choice (sucks to have a court ordered duty). This person comes at 10 am, I let her in (still wearing my night gown!!!) and tell her that I have strep. She doesn't seem to care and continues on with her 'duties' of asking me a hundred pointless questions and scheduling appointments for this week for follow up visits. Yeah, whatever, just leave.

My sister comes over with a car full of my kids stuff - toys mostly - toys are things my kids have no shortage of . He hung out for a while, which was cool because I had not seen her in a couple of weeks, then she left. I slept for a while. I was really tired because the night before I had trouble getting any sleep. I also started taking my antibiotics that day. Hubby went and got some DVDs to distract the kids that night and we had... something... I don't know.. maybe pizza or steak or something for dinner... that's kind of a blur... I layed on the sofa most of the evening slipping in and out of sleep running a fever.

I worked, came home, slept. Something else happened that day, but hell if I can remember.

I worked, came home, felt much better and then fell asleep. hehehehe... I think the antibiotics were making me giddy. Since I was feeling better that day I decided we needed to sort through the kids toys and get rid of stuff. So I grabbed a bag and started digging through tossing out the broken stuff. I also went through and got rid of some stuff that wasn't broken, but that they didn't care about, some of the stuffed animals that my sister had brought over (hell they hadn't seen them in months and hadn't mentioned them) and some things that I didn't particularly want to look at again that were here (a stupid praying teddy bear that recited a prayer... annoying). So I had hubby put the toys that were not sell-able (I'm going to list a bunch of things on e-bay soon - stuffed animals just don't sell though) out by the dumpster - (people who live in apartments know that is the universal place to deposit things that you no longer want/need or can fit in your apartment, but that are still useful as garage sales are just not possible in apartments - retrieving items from said locations is called Dumpster Diving... it can be very lucrative. We were just making a deposit into this system). Actually.. I think we did the toy thing on Saturday night, not Sunday... see... the drugs are affecting my memory... damn..

OK so Sunday night, we put the baby to bed - she goes about half an hour past her bedtime. The older one did not want to go to bed. She had a bad dream the night before and ended up crawling in bed with me at 5:30 am (much to my displeasure - I can't sleep with her in bed). So she did NOT want to sleep in her bed. Hubby takes her up to bed about an hour past her bed time. She comes down 10 minutes later, he takes her back up. They come down a few minutes later, she says she needs a certain toy to go to sleep. I say "Fine, get it and get back to bed." So she starts searching. I say "What are you looking for?" She mentions something, i have no clue what she is talking about. About 5 more minutes of searching, I ask her again what she's looking for and this time I ask her to describe it. And she does... hubby and I look at each other... I'm trying hard not to burst out laughing... She's describing one of the toys we got rid of! hehehehehe.... I finally told her we got rid of it, she didnt' need it. *sigh* she ended up sleeping in my bed last night (she's the only one who got sleep....), so I guess I got my punishment for tossing her toy. Kids...

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