Friday, April 04, 2003

And Now For Something Really Stupid...

I saw this questionaire on someone elses blog (I was bored, I don't even know this person) but I thought it was so stupid I would post it and answer it. Really it's something that I would expect on the blog of a 13 or 14 year old, but this person is MY AGE - 31! BWHAHAHAHAHA - and she answered all the stupid questions. I'm going to fill in my answers on some of these, sarcastic comments on others. I know, bitchy to dog on this but... hey I'm in a mood tonight (need more sex).

1. Age: 31 and hot ;o)
2. Sex: yes - not nearly as offten as I'd like
3. Location: texas
4. Name: Judy
5. Name you wish you had: Judy is a bumpkin name or the name of a Time Life operator "Hi this is Judy, how can I take your order?" I always wanted something classy like Elizabeth or Victoria - but most of the Elizabeths I've know have turned out to be spineless and all of the Victorias have turned out to be dippy and snide. I'd like something unusual and kind of Porn Star-ish. I think that would be cool now in my life. Something like Candy or Cherry or some food name so that I could make stupid food inuendo. I'd probably be Cherry Godiva Truffle. I like that.
6. The last person you slept with: you mean slept as in snooze or slept as in booty call? God knows why anyone would care about either...
7. Beer or Liquor: Depends on my mood. I generally don't drink.
8. Children: 2 kids - Super Girl - 4 and Cabbage Patch 1
9. If you had one wish what would it be: For sex, hot hot fabulous sex every time... no no... money... then I could buy sex... yeah... money...
10. Tampons or pads: Ick - who wants to know that?
11. Favorite sex symbol: Harrison Ford... all night long... mmmmm
12. Biggest Druggie you know: What the fuck kind of question is that?
13. A cup or D cup: C cup - where is that in the question.. and who wants to know? Gonna buy me some naughty undies?
14. Cappuccino or Coffee: Urk. Yuck... neither...
15. Sex or Food: Sex... with food... ;o) Chocolate syrup can be fun fun fun...
16. Does size really matter: Talent is the only thing that matters... talent and creativity.
17. Shape: for what? what the fuck?
18. Cherries or Strawberries: Straberries - more fun - no pits
19. Chocolate or Whip Cream: Chocolate AND Whipped Cream
20. Horses or Cows: Cows are cute, so are horses... Always wanted a minature horse.... and a minature cow... do they make thoes?
21. Pigs or People: Huh? I just don't get that
22. Men or Women: Men... mmmmm..... men, men, men
23. Dodge or SAAB: Dodge
24. Work or Play: depends on who it's with.
25. Man's best friend or Woman's best friend: What does that mean?
26. Mickey or Minnie: neither....
27. Piglet or Pooh: pooh
28. Bed or Floor: depends on what is for... both can be fun.
29. Couch or Chair: what ever... stuid question...
30. Toilet or Tub: What the hell does this question mean?
31. Best Friends: D
32. Worst Enemies: I don't count people as enemies. If I don't like them, then I just don't count them as friends anymore.
33. Best Job: Baby Photographer
34. Worst Job: cleaning bathrooms
35. Black undies or White undies: hmmmm depends on the bra I'm wearing - I like to match
36. Tequila or Jack Daniels: tequila
37. Boxers or Briefs: For me or for someone else? Boxers are much sexier
38. On Deck or Below Deck: No fucking clue
39. 69 or Doggie: I have to choose just one?
40. Dream Car: PT Cruiser custom paint job
41. Type of car you drive: Ford Taurus
42. Word or Phrase you overuse: NO
43. Toothpaste: Aquafresh
44. Favorite Restaurant: sicilly's
45. Romance or Ambiance: where does hot nasty sex fall?
46. Favorite town to chill in: Where ever my friends are.
47. Favorite Ice Cream: hmmmm.... something chocolate... by Blue Bell.... Hagendaz used to make Midnight Cookies & Cream and that was the best Ice Cream I've ever had ever - Sex in a pint... oh baby good sex in a pint... mmmmm.... food-gasim.
48. What's your bed time: Midnight or I turn into a pumpkin... or something like that...
49. Favorite article of clothing: Leopard Print string bikini
50. Favorite Cologne/perfume: Paris
51. Favorite Song: eh, no clue... I like lots of music...
52. Favorite subject in school: art
53. Least Favorite subject: accounting
54. Favorite Sport to watch: Hockey!!!!!
55. Craziest person or funniest person you know: D - she is both... it's always an adventure with her.
56. Most humiliating moment: when I was in first grade my underware fell down while I was running out of the room to recess - my teacher saw.
57. Favorite Holiday: Halloween - love to dress up!
58. What kind of work do you want to do: I love being a baby photographer
59. Marriage or Shack up: marriage - I'm old fashioned. 'Shacking up' is trashy - especially if you have kids together - I mean fuck, just move into a trailer and get the 6 dogs. Sheesh... Have a little respect for your kids.
60. If You Could Streak in front of someone's' house whose would it be: Huh? Do people actually do that? and why?
61. Goofy or Regular: what? I don't get it.
62. Do you type with the correct fingers on the correct keys: Yup - 10 years of being a secretary helps
63. What is under your bed: dust, spare vibrator, shoes
64. Do you prefer mud wrestling or J-ello wrestling: What the fuck kind of question is that?
65. Favorite Things to do in the winter: Hmmm.. winter is such a fleeting thing here... take pictures
66. High School: Garland High School
67. Bacon Bits or Croutons: bacon, bacon, bacon!!
68. Hobbies:taking pictures, painting, drawing, tarot cards
69. Favorite Board Game: Hmmm.. not sure... Past Lives maybe
70. Do you ever save AOL conversations: do people do that?
71. What is the best number: 13
72. Where's the craziest place you've had sex: Hmm... tennis court or roof top of a hotel... or tram at the airport.
73. Biggest regret: Hmmm... not going to mention it here
74. Favorite Shampoo or Conditioner: do you really care? tre seme'
75. Do you believe in:

* Love at first sight: Yes
* Aliens: Not the kind that come from the sky, I know the others exist, seen plenty of them ;o)
* Ghosts: oh yeah

76. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: do I look like I'm 4?
77. Right, Left, Or Ambidextrious: right, with a good strong grip ;o)

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