Wednesday, May 21, 2003

L - More spider talk... eeeeeewwwww.... At one time when the exterminator was visiting my place I asked him about spiders - specifically how to rain death down on them and eradicate them from my abode - he told me that there is not a whole hell of a lot you can do other than spraying them when you see them or stomping them. He explained that spiders are not like other bugs like roaches, crickets and ants who drag their bodies or clean them selves so putting out bait or spraying for them won't work (because thoes methods require the bug to either eat the poison or walk through it then ingest it - spiders won't do either). So unless you have an infestation of something like brown recluse, which would mean your whole house would need to be tented fumigated. Although I have heard of little sticky traps you can put out that they get caught on then eventually die of exhaustion from trying to get away or from hunger or what ever.... they seem far to disgusting for me, I'll just keep spraying spiders with what ever spray I have handy and smacking them with shoes when there is none.

On a spraying spider funny note. Once when I lived in my house a big ass nasty spider was in my shower. I looked for something to spray on it, the first thing I found was a can of the foaming bathroom cleaner. I sprayed the vile creature lurking in my shower and of course the bubbles covered completly and some. So I watched the lump of bubbles as it started to slide down the tile wall from the heaviness. Just when I was sure it was dead, I saw it struggling from mound of cleaning fluids so I sprayed some more. This went on for a few moments (spider struggling out, me spraying more) until I started to get a buzz from the fumes and I was pretty damn sure the creepy little beast had perished or was so high from the fumes that it certainly could not climb out of it's foamy tomb. Later I carefully got the shower massager and washed the lump down the drain - hubby had to remove the spider corpse (I insist all spider corpses be flushed just incase they recover from my toxic efforts) a task he did not appreciate me asking of him.

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