Tuesday, May 20, 2003

L- your right, June is a crappy time of year to get married in Texas. I got married in June. It was 1994 - the same year as the OJ crap - that happen just shortly before my wedding - and it was HOT HOT HOT in Texas that year. Awful hot and humid. Thankfully we had everything IN DOORS but it was still stuffy in the church. My husband's best friend got married 2 weeks after we did - also in Texas. It was even hotter then. Just awful. What a stupid idea to get married in June. By the time I had second thoughts on the date, I was already locked in and couldn't change it. Oh well.

Good luck to your brother, I hope everything is beautiful for him. Maybe we can finally meet up when your here for the wedding! It's worth a try.

A- if one more person in your department dies tragically, you get the hell out of there! I'm starting to think that place is CURSED - and hell woman, you've had more than enough bad luck already.

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