Monday, September 13, 2004

Grocery Trip From Hell

Yesterday we went grocery shopping and it lasted 2 freaking hours!!!! I blame K for this. He accepts this responsibility and knows that some day I will take my horrible revenge on him and it won't be pretty (maybe more Angry Albino Sock Monkies in his room).

We went to Albertsons for shopping as K suggested, he loves to go there as they have the self scan thing there. You get a little scanner device and scan your groceries as you go, then at the check out you just download the info and pay. Well K was having WAY to much fun with the scanner and by the time we got to the check out we needed to do some serious editing before paying. We called over the Oh-So-Happy Checker in charge of the self check area to help us. She was none too thrilled with us and said she would have to rescan all our groceries. This irritates me. I wanted out of the fucking store right then. So she starts scanning, then she has to go do some administrative thing to release something or other and she leaves for a few minutes. She returns and does this AGAIN. *sigh* When she comes back and starts scanning again she weighes all of the produce again even though they have been weighed and have convenient price stickers on them because OBVIOUSLY since we couldn't handle working the scanner we OBVIOUSLY could NOT have weighed and priced our produce correctly. Ugh. It was a joy. The only thing that kept me from strangling someone was the thought of the CHEAP wine in the basket.

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