Saturday, September 18, 2004

Brain Damage

My progeny have brain damage. That's the ONLY explanation. Curently my youngest (Cabbage Patch), who happens to be pissed off at me for letting her sister use "HER" cup for juice, is rolling off the sofa every 5 or 10 minutes. She lays there for a few moments watching the new Power Puff Girl's DVD I procured from the Almighty WalMart then just rolls off the sofa. After plopping ungracefully to the floor she get's up and lays back down on the sofa. Brain damage. *sigh* and I thought I had managed to birth both offspring with little or no mental damage. There goes my Mother Of The Year nomination.

Further proof of brain damage...

After Super Girl had finished the juice, Cabbage Patch brought the empty sippy cup to me and happily accepted juice in the cup. This could be a good thing, save me some dish washing. Hmmm... too bad they don't wear the same size... I could just have a couple of outfits for each and have the switch off every couple of days... save me some laundry to do... heh. Kidding. Really.

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