Tuesday, February 14, 2006


My favorite time of the day. NAP time. Not for me! For Cabbage Patch! Nap time for her! She NEEDS a nap. Or rather, I NEED her to nap. I need her to nap for the next two hours so I can fold that monstrous pile of clothing that is threatening to consume the love seat it is perched upon.* Everyone should love nap time. World peace could probably occur if NAP TIME was mandated for EVERYONE. Okay, enough.

*I kid, about that. I wouldn't really fold those clothes!

PS - her new stalling tactic is to stand here and say "That was only a SNACK." about her lunch. Yeah right kid, I know you aren't going to EAT! Go to sleep before I have to get out the tranquilzer darts again!

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