Saturday, August 17, 2002

The enchaladas were delightful... Dh bought enough to make two pans of enchaladas... I messed up the second pan when I put the first one in... the tortilla unfolded and everything spilled out, so lazy me just turned it into enchalada casserole. He is funny, he got all the stuff... more than enough... and chips, and queso dip, and refried beans, and spanish rice and ice cream HAHAHAHAHAHA! If I didn't know better I'd say he was pregnant having cravings! *snort*

So we watched Royal Tanenbaums - I liked it. It was odd... very odd but good. Right now he's watching Lord Of The Rings... I have no interest. I was very interested in seeing it when it was in the theaters, but now that I'm in my own living room, I don't give a crap. Oh well. Anyway, before the other movie, they had these previews for movies coming out and bad ones that didn't do so well in the theater and were now trying to make some kind of stand in the video stores. And that reminded me of something I saw the other night when we were watching Star Wars. We have that special one with the little interview with George Lucas. In that he talks about how Star Wars cost like $10 million dollars and that it was not really all that much in terms of making a movie, yadda, yadda, yadda.... So that made me think while watching the previews for the bad movies... who is paying for these movies to be made. If a move cost $10 million to make and it goes to the theater and only makes $5 million ... maybe even less... then who is paying the bills on this? Who takes the loss? And why the hell are there so damn many suck-ass movies being made? Maybe this is why the stock market is taking such a beating, to damn many idiots investing in suck-ass movies! Damn, don't these people read these scripts? Do they not think about the plot or is it "Well let's see, if we get Adam Sandler in this movie, it doesn't matter what the plot is, people will pay to see him acting like a fool." I got to wonder. It's not like I'm really the person to ask or even to question all this. I see about one movie a year in the theater.. I just don't really get into seeing movies. And normally we rent about 6 movies in a years time. We are down 4 so far... My Blockbuster card has been used more often for scraping ice off my windshield than for renting movies... and that says a lot since we get ice here maybe once a year. OK... well that's all I wanted to bitch about.. sucky movies being made.... someone should be held responsible for that...

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