Tuesday, August 13, 2002

Hmmm.... A... maybe all this talk about someone dieing so young - she was just a couple of years older than us - has made you think of your own mortality. Heck no maybe to it, I know it has. Your just like that. ;o) I've been doing that also. Since last week when the 3 babies in NICU died.. I have been wondering about life in general, and if I'm doing enough... I don't mean physically as in whether I'm doing my fair share or keeping my house clean, but I mean enough in a bigger sense. Am I doing enough in life to make this existance worthwhile? Am I doing anything to help make someone's life just a little bit better? Am I just doing enough? I think about this.. I don't have any answers... And for me, not being able to answer YES right away means NO I'm not. But then... what do I do? Spiritual studies? Comunity services? Ecological work? I don't know... funny thing, when I was 20 or so I could have answered that question with out a thought, but now.. I have no idea.

Think, think, think... I think I need a smackrel of honey...

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