Saturday, August 31, 2002

Hey A - no it's not alright if J goes out with out you. That's shitty. If you can't get a babysitter then he should sit his ass at home with you and the kids. That's just me. I know that we have turned down invitations because we couldn't get a babysitter. Occasionally hubby will go out with his brother or his dad or a friend to see a movie or whatever, but we usually agree that this is what he's going to do. And the same goes for me. That's just being inconsiderate to you. Just because y'all can't get a sitter doesn't mean that YOU have to stay home with the kids, he can damn well do it also... and NOT bitch about it. Sheesh... OK, that's just my personal feelings on that. I'm feeling slighted with you and am angry for you. Thats what friends are for!

We went grocery shopping. I spent $74 for groceries for the next couple of weeks. I think I did a good job, our freezer is packed. I bought lots of meat and veggies. I'm going to start cutting carbs out of my diet again. I had cut them out almost completly a while back, but then with the move and all I just got lazy with cooking and all... and I've gained 6 lbs back. YIKES! So I'll be cutting back on the carbs - bye-bye bread and pasta, see ya later mashed taters and no more biscuits... Not a big deal, the big pay off for this is not only that I actually start losing weight but that it helps to keep my GERDs under control. And to not have horrible reflux, hell I'd give up almost anything... except sex.. I wouldn't give that up ;o) Anyway in the store I saw the Weekly World News.. damn they write such crap. I need to have a job doing that. Just writing the most bizarre crap imaginable. I'd love that. Headlines "Cat Impregnated By Aliens!!! Cat Sueing For Child Support!" I mean what kind of credentials do you have to have to get a job working for them? 'I passed high school english and can write a sentence.' I want to know... I want to apply for this job. I need this job. I'd love to say that I was a journalist at parties, then have people ask me who I write for or where I was published, I'd say with a straight face "The Weekly World News" then act like it really was a reputable news paper. hehehe... that would be fun.

My husband is on a Star Trek movie marathon... *sigh* Ahhh the suffering I must endure... Right now he's watching Star Trek IV... not one of the better ones... I did not like it at all... Actually I do enjoy pointing out all the plot holes in these movies... well I enjoy doing that in all moves to tell the truth.. I'm bad about that...

Well I'm going to go take a bath, because this movie makes me want to vomit. Ahhh a nice soak in the tub... I'll be back...

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