Sunday, September 01, 2002

Sheesh... I read H's post about getting pregnant on birth control and I have to totally agree with her sentiment. Hell it would only have to take getting pregnant once on the pill for me to talk to my Dr. about something a little more reliable for me! I got pregnant with my last one kind of by surprise. I had missed more than 3 pills out of my pack so I stopped taking them to wait for the next month. We were using alternate forms of BC, I was trying to talk DH into another baby though. Well once we didn't use anything. I told him right after that I might be pregnant. He said "uh-huh" and went to sleep. HAHAHA... We didn't worry to much since I've never had regular periods and getting pregnant the first time was a chore for us. Well... not that time it. And after the second one, I've been very careful about using BC of some sort. BC works very well for me... when I use it! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

On to another subject, somewhat connected to this. So this person finds out she is expecting her third child. Unexpectedly... she's upset... She says she has no room for another child in the house... the two older kids will probably have to share a room ... Well waaa waaa waaa... My kids have ALWAYS shared a room, even when we lived in our house and had the room for them to each have a room. She's also worried about where to put another car seat in her SUV!!! My Best friend from HS has that exact SUV and I KNOW you can fit a boster seat, and 2 car seats in it. It's tight but you CAN do it. Then she bitches about the cost of daycare and how she will have to find a job working from home making $13 a hour - which would be a HUGE pay cut for her. She doesn't even want to know what I make. *eyes rolling up in head* WTF? You make a lot more than that and you can't afford daycare? You do what you have to do, you find daycare that is more affordable if you have to work. Sheesh.. I really do find this person to be a HUGE whiner - and she SOOO melodramatic... she loves the DRAMA in her life... I know I'm being a bitch. But I do get tired of people constantly whineing about shit. Hmmm.. I shouldn't write stuff when I'm PMSing...

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